{"id":1002,"date":"2024-05-16T07:00:07","date_gmt":"2024-05-16T07:00:07","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/suimy.me\/?p=1002"},"modified":"2024-05-22T17:11:32","modified_gmt":"2024-05-22T17:11:32","slug":"financial-tips-8-key-things-to-know-by-age-30-3","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/suimy.me\/index.php\/2024\/05\/16\/financial-tips-8-key-things-to-know-by-age-30-3\/","title":{"rendered":"Financial Tips: 8 Key Things to Know by Age 30"},"content":{"rendered":"

For many, the twenties are a time to enjoy life, often leading to adventurous but questionable financial choices. While the arrival of your thirties doesn\u2019t hold monumental social significance, it is typically the age by which society expects us to \u2018get our act together\u2019. This is often associated with reaching significant life milestones, such as marriage and starting a family.<\/p>\n

These important life events become more attainable<\/strong> when our finances are in order. Establishing a strong financial foundation allows for a more secure and stable future. Here are eight financial essentials to get in order as you approach 30.<\/p>\n

You Should Know Whether to Rent or Buy<\/h4>\n

Deciding whether to rent or buy a home is a critical decision every 30-year-old should consider. The choice between renting or buying<\/strong> a home is complex, with no universal answer, despite common advice like Uncle Bob\u2019s pro-property buying stance.<\/p>\n

Both<\/em> renting and buying have their financial merits, depending on individual circumstances.<\/p>\n

Considerations for Buying<\/h5>\n

When thinking about buying, you need to assess everything from the housing market conditions<\/strong> (are prices in your area inflated?) to your long-term commitments<\/strong> in that location (are you planning to stay put?). You can explore more factors affecting this decision here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

If you decide to buy, ensure you can manage the additional costs<\/strong> of homeownership, such as insurance, maintenance, renovations, and taxes.<\/p>\n


Prepare an emergency fund<\/strong> to cover unexpected expenses, like sudden repairs or emergencies.<\/p>\n

Considerations for Renting<\/h5>\n

For renting, ensure that your rent and potential increases do not surpass 30%<\/a> of your net income<\/strong>, a widely accepted guideline for rental affordability.<\/p>\n

While renting saves on many homeownership costs, it does not result in owning an asset<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

Which is better?<\/strong><\/em> To understand which option might be more economically viable in the long term, consider using a rent vs buy calculator<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Breaking the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle<\/h4>\n

Living paycheck to paycheck is a common scenario for many, often depicted in popular media as a normal part of young adult life \u2013 think Lena Dunham\u2019s Girls<\/em>.<\/p>\n

However, existing from one paycheck to the next is far from ideal as you approach 30. It\u2019s all too easy to fall into the trap of using credit cards and payday loans for quick financial relief<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

What Can You Do About It?<\/strong><\/h5>\n