{"id":1472,"date":"2024-07-02T13:00:01","date_gmt":"2024-07-02T13:00:01","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/suimy.me\/?p=1472"},"modified":"2024-07-03T17:09:22","modified_gmt":"2024-07-03T17:09:22","slug":"6-practical-steps-to-help-you-shift-from-a-wrong-career","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/suimy.me\/index.php\/2024\/07\/02\/6-practical-steps-to-help-you-shift-from-a-wrong-career\/","title":{"rendered":"6 Practical Steps to Help You Shift From a Wrong Career"},"content":{"rendered":"

The realization of being in the wrong career could be disconcerting and can feel like a dead-end. But at the same time, it is also a pivotal moment for change.<\/p>\n

Once you identify that misalignment, you\u2019ve already taken the first step toward finding the right path and with some strategic moves, you can turn this crossroads into an opportunity for growth.<\/p>\n

Reflecting on What Matters<\/h4>\n

Take a pause to assess what aspects of your job make you unhappy or unfulfilled. Is it the company culture, your job role, or a misalignment with your personal values and goals?<\/p>\n


One way to go about it is to list these pain points alongside elements from past experiences that brought you joy or satisfaction (this helps delineate what to look for next). Tools like journaling or career assessments can provide deeper insights here.<\/p>\n

Build a Supportive Network<\/h4>\n

Networking is more than exchanging business cards. It\u2019s about cultivating meaningful relationships building a supportive network that can help in your career progression.<\/p>\n


Here are some practical steps you can take to build a robust professional network:<\/p>\n

  1. Be relational instead of transactional <\/strong>\u2013 Rather than viewing networking as transactional, think relational. Focus on building deep connections rather than seeking quick gains. <\/li>\n
  2. Be authentic and transparent<\/strong> \u2013 People value honesty. Share your career pivot story genuinely \u2013 it may resonate more than you expect. <\/li>\n
  3. Offer value before seeking favours<\/strong> \u2013 Look for ways to help others before asking for help yourself. This creates goodwill and mutual respect. <\/li>\n
  4. Leverage the power of social media <\/strong>\u2013 Platforms like LinkedIn are invaluable resources for connecting with industry professionals. Regularly engage with posts, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions. <\/li>\n
  5. Attend industry events (virtual or in-person)<\/strong> \u2013 Conferences, webinars, and local meetups offer excellent opportunities to meet people who can provide insights into your new career path. <\/li>\n
  6. Follow up consistently<\/strong> \u2013 After initial meetings or conversations, don\u2019t let the connection fade away. Regular follow-ups can help keep the relationship strong.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    It is important to remember that pivoting doesn\u2019t necessarily mean starting from scratch. Often, your current skill set can be a powerful asset in a new career.<\/p>\n

    Leveraging Your Existing Skills<\/h4>\n

    Philip Kaplan, CEO of Distrokid<\/a>, is a notable example of successfully leveraging an existing skill set during a career pivot. Because \u201caccounting is hard and not fun<\/a>.\u201d, Kaplan transitioned into the music technology space by identifying how his tech expertise could revolutionize music distribution.<\/p>\n

    For those seeking drastic career changes, Kaplan\u2019s advices to leverage what you already know but applying it in new contexts. He underscores the importance of adaptability and recognizing transferable skills: your current expertise might be highly valuable in entirely different industries.<\/p>\n

    Gaining New Qualifications<\/h4>\n

    Greg Avola, co-founder of Untapped, is a fabulous demonstration of a successful career pivot. Originally working in finance, he felt unfulfilled and yearned for something more aligned with his passions.<\/p>\n


    Avola realized he could no longer tolerate being \u201cout of breath for no reason, feeling tired all the time, and not eating right<\/a>\u201d and decided to make a major life change and developed a valuable platform like Ollie<\/a> to help make life a little more hoppy for everyone.<\/p>\n

    Avola\u2019s advices others in similar positions to follow ones\u2019 passion with purpose and persistence. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning \u2013 whether through formal education or self-taught methods \u2013 as well as seeking mentorship from those already in your desired field.<\/p>\n

    Importantly, Avola advocates embracing uncertainty and staying resilient through setbacks.<\/p>\n

    Streamlining Life During Transition<\/h4>\n

    Changing careers is a mentally and emotionally demanding move. Simplify other aspects of life so you have more bandwidth for this major shift. But let\u2019s be real \u2013 amidst all this change, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet isn\u2019t easy.<\/p>\n

    Meal delivery services can be a lifesaver here (think HelloFresh<\/a> or Factor<\/a> meal delivery). They can help you save time on meal planning and grocery shopping, offering nutritious options without the hassle.<\/p>\n


    Imagine coming home after a day of navigating your new career and not having to worry about what\u2019s for dinner. These meal services with their pre-portioned, nutritionally balanced recipes enable you to adopt healthy eating habits effortlessly.<\/p>\n

    Plus, the diversity and creativity in their meals can inspire you to experiment with new flavors and cuisines, keeping your culinary life as exciting and dynamic as your new career path.<\/p>\n

    Navigating Financial Considerations<\/h4>\n

    A career pivot often comes with financial uncertainties. These tips can help you navigate these transitions smoothly with thoughtful preparation that ensures you\u2019re chasing passion while securing your future:<\/p>\n